Radio Naf Activities

World Radio Day 2020 celebration------

Major Focus Areas of Radio Naf

The following major issues are broadcasting:


ü   Health including Family planning, TB, HIV/AIDS, SRHR Malaria control, Nutrition, Tobacco control

ü   Water and sanitation

ü   Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

ü   Non- formal education

ü   Violence against women and children

ü   Gender issues

ü   Environment and bio-diversity

ü   Disaster management and climate Change & adaptation

ü   Safe migration & combat human trafficking

ü   Tourism  & Rural development

ü   Democracy and good governance

ü   Community news & events

ü   Local history, culture and tradition

ü   Create awareness promoting peace and social harmony

ü  ------COVID-19 response 

Radio Naf also carry out many off-air activities like formation of listener groups, advocacy, seminar, courtyard meeting, and capacity building training, networking, and mass campaign and so on.

Published on: Wednesday, 7 August 2019, 08:09 am   ▪   Last update: Monday, 6 July 2020, 03:07 pm   ▪   Total View of this Page: 3172

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