COVID-19 Response
As soon COVID-19 pandemic started all over the world, Bangladesh Government has taken different preventive measures like lock-down, somewhere minimize and somewhere shut down of maximum activities except emergency. As media production house Radio Naf has been playing an important role on COVID-19 prevention and emergency awareness development, broadcasting and dissemination in Cox’s Bazar area as the sole agency beside the state Radio. In this COVID response Radio Naf is the only broadcasting source of reaching Rohingya and host community people in Teknaf and a maximum part of Ukhiya in Cox’s Bazar. Radio Naf developing, distributing, disseminating and broadcasting COVID-19 outbreak situation, awareness and prevention messages even in this crucial and hectic situation to take effective measures for fighting against the pandemic to save the population in this region. As a part of the Ministry of Information, Government of Bangladesh, Radio Naf always supplement the government as well as Bangladesh Betar initiatives and efforts in a befitting manner in order to Behavior Change Communication (BCC) through mass communication.
Here following is the snapshot of the activities of Radio Naf as Risk communication on COVID-19 as part of community mobilization;
COVID-19 News development and broadcasting as special Bulletin
Radio Program Development for Radio Naf and Broadcasting;
Phone-In-Live program;
Expert interview from the influential as RRRC, DC, SP, UNO, elected Chairman and other influential and elites and broadcast in a regular intervals
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Development and Broadcasting;
Narrowcasting the programs in Camps;
Message dissemination through Information and Feedback Centers (IFCs) for both Rohingya and Host communities; ACLAB is the sole organization has been operating Host community Information and Feedback Center (IFC) in Cox’s Bazar.
Conduct Listener Clubs for both Rohingya and host communities
Child focused / Child protection Magazine development, dissemination and on-airing
On-Air and Off-Air broadcasting;
Radio set distribution among Camp and Host Communities;
Program distribution among the CWC members and the listeners;
Loudspeaker messaging in all 34 Rohingya camps and all Upazilas of Cox’s Bazar
Poster, leaflet, Festoon and banner with X-stand distribution at the strategic point and for the wider community for both rohingya and host communities.
Conduct House to House messaging and Inter personal communication (IPC) session maintain social and physical distancing
Published on: Monday, 6 July 2020, 10:44 am ▪ Last update: Monday, 6 July 2020, 10:56 am ▪ Total View of this Page: 2122